Informal European Parliament Hong Kong Watch Friendship Group formed

We welcome the establishment of a Hong Kong Friendship Group in the European Parliament, which will bring together like-minded Members of the European Parliament across the political spectrum to coordinate action to support the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Launched by Reinhard Buetikofer MEP (Greens-EFA/Germany) and Miriam Lexmann MEP (EPP/Slovakia), they are joined as co-chairs by Petras Austrevicius MEP (Renew Europe/Lithuania), Anna Fotyga MEP (ECR/Poland) and Juan Fernando Aguilar Lopez MEP (S&D/Spain). The ‘Hong Kong Watch’ group’s members will include MEPs from all the major political groups.

Commenting on the launch of the European Parliament Hong Kong Friendship Group, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chair Benedict Rogers said:

“Over the last few weeks EU parliamentarians have played a vital role alongside other international lawmakers in condemning Beijing’s unilateral enactment of national security legislation in Hong Kong and encouraging the European Union to stand up for the Sino-British Joint Declaration, One Country, Two Systems, and the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

The creation of this informal Hong Kong Watch Group in the European Parliament is a welcome development, which will allow like minded members of European Parliament to monitor the situation in Hong Kong, and provides an outlet to coordinate action with other parliamentarians across the world against the growing encroachment of Beijing in Hong Kong."

According to Reinhard Buetikofer, "with this so-called national security law, Beijing is violating international agreements. No country should be able to violate international norms and agreements with impunity. The EU needs to show that this behaviour can and will not be tolerated, but that it comes at a price."  

“It is important that Members of the European Parliament and, indeed, political leaders from democratic countries around the world, stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong, and oppose attempts to subvert Hong Kong’s autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms, as well as international agreements. The freedom of the people of Hong Kong is our freedom. If one is not ready to speak for freedom everywhere, we can't expect freedom to be guaranteed anywhere”, added Miriam Lexmann.