Hong Kong Watch welcomes UK extension of rights to BNOs

Hong Kong Watch today welcomes confirmation from the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister that the UK Government will stand by its commitment to British National Overseas passport holders by introducing five years leave to remain, with the right to work and study, as a pathway to citizenship for BNOs and their dependents.

Commenting on the Government’s announcement of a bespoke scheme for BNO passport holders in response to the National Security Law coming into force, Hong Kong Watch Director, Johnny Patterson, said:

“After years of Hong Kong Watch campaigning for the rights of BNO passport holders to be extended, we welcome this policy change from the Government. We hope that it will offer Hong Kongers some peace of mind that they have an insurance policy in the event of a further crackdown under the National Security Law.

The UK Government must now  work with civil society groups to iron out the specific details and practicalities of this scheme to ensure its successful implementation, and encourage likeminded international partners to follow the UK's lead, so that Hong Konger who are not BNOs have access to a similar offer of a lifeline.” 

The Foreign Secretary’s speech said:

"For our part, Mr Speaker, the Prime Minister and the government are crystal clear: the United Kingdom will keep its word.

We will live up to our responsibilities to the people of Hong Kong.

I can confirm that we will now proceed to honour our commitment to change the arrangements for those holding BNO status.

I can update Honourable Members that we have worked with Ministers across Whitehall and we have now developed proposals for a bespoke immigration route for BNOs and their dependants.

We will grant BNOs five years limited leave to remain, with the right to work or study.

After these five years, they will be able to apply for settled status.

And after further 12 months with settled status, they will be able to apply for citizenship.

This is a special, bespoke, set of arrangements developed for the unique circumstances we face.

All those with BNO status will be eligible, as will their family dependants who are usually resident in Hong Kong.

The Home Office will put in place a simple, streamlined, application process, and there will be no quota on numbers."