Briefing: Democracy Dismantled - The implementation of the National Security Law, September - December 2020

This briefing describes developments in Hong Kong from the period of September 2020-December 2020 focusing on the rapid deterioration of human rights in the city following the introduction of the National Security Law in July. The law has proven to be a watershed for the city, and we are witnessing a discernible decline in the city’s safeguards for fundamental rights and freedoms.

The briefing describes the following:

  • An unprecedented crackdown on pro-democracy activists through arrests;

  • The dismantling of democracy through the mass disqualification of the Legislative Councils;

  • An assault of Hong Kong’s free press, most notably through the targeting of Jimmy Lai;

  • The complicity of big tech and the banking sector in enforcing the new law;

  • The overhaul of Hong Kong’s education sector, with ‘patriotic education’ at the heart;

  • Judges under presure.

You can read the in-depth analysis by clicking this link.