Important Message from Johnny Patterson, Hong Kong Watch Policy Director

Dear friends,

With the BNO policy being opened for applications later this weekend, I wanted to send you a short update based on our recent conversations with the Home Office and Civil Society.

Home Office

We have had a number of conversations with the Home Office in recent weeks, and the policy is now nearly complete. You may have seen in the news today that there will be a digital application portal for BNOs from 23 February, so that people do not have to physically apply.

On the issue of TB tests which many of you are asking about, they were fairly clear that all applicants for the policy will need to provide proof of a TB test (either inside or outside UK) within 6 months of their application. If you want to apply and if covid-travel restrictions make this difficult, I understand there may be some flexibility, but would recommend talking with a lawyer.

Civil Society

Six months ago, the UK announced that it would be offering a pathway to citizenship for BNOs.

There were no civil society groups in existence standing ready to help HKers integrate. As the scheme opens, here are four great new initiatives you should check out:

  1. With trustees like Benedict Rogers and Luke De Pulford, and our support, the Hong Kong Assistance and Resettlement Community (@hongkongarc) is the go-to for Hong Kongers (and particularly protestors) in urgent need of assistance.

  2. Winston Marshall of Mumford and Sons is launching a buddy-system which aims to pair Hong Kongers with local Brits and help people get up on their feet. Check it out:

  3. Dr Krish Kandiah recently launched a platform to welcome Hong Kongers to the UK. is a one-stop shop hoping to provide the info BNOs need when they arrive. He's also mobilising Chinese and UK churches to make people welcome.

  4. HK Brits is an exceptional platform put together by young BNOs in the UK, bilingual with loads of helpful info.

We will be working with these groups through advocacy with the government, and continuing to provide policy information for BNOs/HKers on our website.

Ben Rogers, our CEO, has written about this issue in his weekly Apple Daily op-ed:

I hope you are all well.

Best wishes,


Hong Kong Watchbno, BNO