The Guardian: ‘Hong Kong activists urge EU not to ratify new deal with China’

On 11 March 2021, Joey Siu, Hong Kong Watch’s Associate was quoted in the Guardian on the EU-China Deal.

The Guardian report says 24 activists (13 in exile) have written to the EU commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, to call for the EU to refuse to sign the treaty until China’s national security laws are repealed and restrictions on who can stand for election are lifted.

The letter was facilitated by Hong Kong watch and co-signed by leading activists including Ted Hui, Lam Wing-kee, Brian Leung, Nathan Law, Joe Tay, Ray Wong, Glacier Kwong, Finn Lau, Simon Cheng and Joey Siu.

Commenting on this, Joey Siu said:

“The timing of CAI, months after the National Security Law was passed, sent a dreadful diplomatic message. It sent a message to Beijing that the EU would not sacrifice trading interests, no matter how they act, and communicated to Hongkongers that the EU is indifferent to our struggle to freedom.”

Full article:

(Photo: Lam Yik/Reuters via The Guardian)