Hong Kong Watch welcomes UK's 'National Welcome for Hong Kong Arrivals'

As one of the primary organisations which campaigns for the rights of BNOs, we are delighted to see that the UK Government is coordinating a national welcome for Hong Kong arrivals.

Since the BNO policy was announced in July, we have been pushing for the British government to take seriously the need to set aside resources for integration.

Working with friends and partners, we have argued in conversations with Home Office officials and one with the Home Secretary herself that it is vital that resources are put aside to help BNOs to access housing, work and education. We are very pleased to see that this has been adopted with a sum of more than £40 million set aside.

The government was right to offer the new BNO route following the passage of the National Security Law, we are glad that the Government is now taking integration seriously and look forward to continuing to partner with officials to refine and hone the policy going forwards.