Webinar: 'The Fight For Freedom in Burma/Myanmar and Hong Kong: Shared Synergies, Strategies, Alliances and Ways Forward'

The people of both Hong Kong and Burma/Myanmar are fighting for basic freedoms which have been stolen from them. Neither place has enjoyed complete democracy, but until recently Hong Kong enjoyed basic human rights, the rule of law and a legislature that was at least partially directly elected, while Burma/Myanmar has had some limited democratisation and political opening over the past decade.

In recent months Hong Kong’s remaining freedoms have been dismantled, its autonomy destroyed and the remaining vestiges of democracy eroded as the Chinese Communist Party exerts direct control of the city, while in Burma/Myanmar a civilian government democratically elected last November has been overthrown in a brutal, bloody coup by the country’s military.

As pro-democracy campaigners and civil society activists in both places are imprisoned, media freedom is repressed and international human rights conventions flagrantly violated in both places, an increasing solidarity has developed between Hong Kong and Burma/Myanmar campaigners. What are the synergies, common strategies and ways forward in the fight for freedom, and how can alliances be strengthened in ways that will lead to meaningful international action and policy change?

To help us address these challenges and opportunities, Hong Kong Watch and Burma Campaign UK have joined forces to bring together a panel of prominent activists:

  • Ted Hui Chi-fung - A former pro-democracy member of the Legislative Council in Hong Kong who escaped the city in December 2021 

  • Joey Siu - A student activist in Hong Kong and now Associate of Hong Kong Watch in Washington, DC 

  • Wai Hnin Pwint Thon- Senior Advocacy Officer of Burma Campaign UK 

  • Wah Ku Shee- Karen Peace Support Network, Burma/Myanmar