European parliamentarians urge the EU leaders to institute a lifeboat scheme for Hong Kongers

Today, a group of 26 European Parliamentarians from 9 Member States led by Engin Eroglu MEP and coordinated by Hong Kong Watch have written to the EU Commission calling for the EU to introduce a lifeboat scheme for Hong Kongers as a matter of urgency.

The letter notes that ‘with nearly every prominent pro-democracy voice in Hong Kong in jail, awaiting trial, or overseas in exile, it is clear that there is an increased need for the European Union to do more to assist and stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong.’

European Parliamentarians in the letter express disappointment with EU leaders, writing that ‘we have seen little in terms of movement from the Commission or the Council toward practically implementing a lifeboat scheme for Hong Kongers. At the same time the UK, Australia and Canada have now all opened bespoke schemes to offer Hong Kongers the opportunity to live and work in their respective countries. It cannot be right that we are leaving it to others to offer material support for Hong Kongers who are in need of a lifeline out of the city.’

The letter also raises concern over reports of ‘one EU member state’ blocking other EU Member States from moving ahead with endorsing a package of measures for Hong Kong, with parliamentarians urging EU leaders ‘not to allow the Council to become paralysed by narrow economic interests’.

It concludes by stating that ‘we believe the continued crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, deserves a coordinated response from the Council and Commission that goes beyond simple statements and offers a lifeline out of the city for Hong Kongers who face the prospect of detention if they stay.’

The full letter can be found here