TRT World: Tong Ying-kit found guilty of terrorism, inciting secession

On 27 July 2021, Benedict Rogers was interviewed by TRT World on Tong Ying-kit’s sentence under Hong Kong’s National Security Law.

Benedict said:

“This is China sending yet another signal that it will trample on Hong Kong’s freedoms.”

“If we [the international community] continue with just issuing condemnatory statements but no actual action to go with it, that would simply embolden the Chinese regime to continue with its approach to Hong Kong, and I fear it will embolden them to be aggressive towards Taiwan and towards the rest of the free world if it thinks there’s no consequences for its actions.”

“That weakening of its [China’s] reputation internationally and the growing tension in its international relations will have a domestic effect long term, particularly some of the US sanctions start to bite, maybe it will begin to cause people in the Chinese Communist Party to question the hard-line approach of Xi Jingping.”