Hong Kong Watch attends meeting with diplomats about being targeted under National Security Law

On 16 March 2022, Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive Benedict Rogers and Senior Policy Advisor Sam Goodman were invited to speak with officials from the Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, USA, Japan, and EU embassies on the recent decision by the Hong Kong police to target Hong Kong Watch under the National Security Law.

As part of their discussions with representatives from key democratic partners, Hong Kong Watch raised the need for countries to consider further lifeboat legislation and routes for Hong Kongers not covered by the UK BNO Visa Scheme, sanctions against Hong Kong officials with assets in the respective countries, and the suspension of extradition treaties between Western countries and the People’s Republic of China.

Hong Kong Watch appreciates the support that the Canadian High Commission offered by convening the meeting, and those officials from USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and EU, who came to listen to our Chief Executive and staff discussing this recent escalation of the ongoing crackdown in Hong Kong.

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