Hong Kong Watch hosts post-election BNO discussion and social event

As part of Hong Kong Watch’s BNO civic and political education series, we held a panel discussion and social event on 10 May 2022 to discuss how the local election results would impact on UK politics and if there are any implications for Hong Kongers newly arrived in the UK. There was a one-hour discussion on the local elections followed by time to network and socialise with other attendees.

Panel speakers include:

  • Sam Goodman, Hong Kong Watch’s Director of Policy and Advocacy (Chair)

  • James Ball, Global Editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, author, and columnist at the New European

  • Charlotte Ivers, Political Correspondent at Times Radio and a columnist for The Sunday Times

  • Ben Lee, Convenor of Hong Kong Assistance & Resettlement Community (HKARC)