The European Parliament has passed a resolution condemning the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen and the other trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Committee

Today, the European Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution condemning the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen and the other trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Committee and raising concern regarding the ongoing human rights crackdown in Hong Kong.

The resolution urges the EU Commission and Member States to introduce Magnitsky sanctions against Hong Kong officials, suspend extradition treaties with the PRC and Hong Kong, introduce lifeboat schemes for Hong Kongers, and for the EEAS to push for the release of the over 800 political prisoners in Hong Kong.

It notes that as a result of Beijing’s decision to handpick former Security Minister, John Lee, as Chief Executive, the Hong Kong Government is no longer autonomous and the EU institutions should review support for bilateral treaties with Hong Kong, support for Hong Kong’s seat at the World Trade Organisation, and the status of Hong Kong’s Economic and Trade Office in Brussels.

Members of the European Parliament in the resolution also urge the Vatican to give “full-fledged” support to Cardinal Zen and other religious leaders in Hong Kong who face persecution under the national security regime.

Commenting on the resolution, Sam Goodman, Hong Kong Watch’s Director of Policy and Advocacy, said:

“It is high time the EU Commission and Member States accept that Hong Kong under John Lee is little more than a vassal police state and listen to the Parliament and move to end bilateral treaties with Hong Kong’s Government, and review support for Hong Kong’s seat at the WTO and the status of the Hong Kong Trade office in Brussels.

The Vatican must also end its silence over the arrest of Cardinal Zen and the crackdown on religious freedom in Hong Kong, and do more to support the Cardinal and other religious leaders who are facing persecution.”