SUPPORT US — Hong Kong Watch Annual Crowdfunding 2022

As the human rights situation in Hong Kong continues to deteriorate, we need to raise £80,000 to expand our work across the world to help more Hong Kongers in need.  With your generous support, we will be able to continue speaking up for Hong Kong and driving forward meaningful policy changes across the world, to make a difference in the lives of Hong Kongers and their fight for freedom.

Over the past year, we have made some heartening achievements in expanding our international lifeboat campaign and other core advocacy work across the world, which have only been made possible with your ongoing support: 

  • In the UK, we have successfully advocated for the expansion of the BNO visa scheme to eligible young Hong Kongers aged 18 to 25. 

  • In Canada, we have been closely monitoring the implementation of the Young Talent Scheme and have advocated for Parliamentarians and politicians to improve the scheme, including urging the government to remove the five-year graduation restriction. 

  • In Australia, following our advocacy work, a lifeboat scheme has been put in place from March 2022 onwards to allow eligible Hong Kong passport holders already present in the country to apply for permanent residency. 

  • In the United States, we were instrumental in advocating for the “Hong Kong Autonomy Act” financial sanctions on those responsible for dismantling Hong Kong’s freedoms, and we will work to ensure that the US government continues to implement such sanctions.

  • In the EU, The European Parliament adopted our core recommendations into their joint resolution passed in January 2022, calling for EU Member States to implement lifeboat policies for Hong Kongers and issue emergency travel documents for Hong Kong journalists at risk of arrest. 

Moving forward, we will continue strengthening and expanding our core campaigns to ensure that Hong Kongers can access the help they need. We will focus on the following areas of work: 

  • We will continue working with Parliamentarians and politicians in the UK, Canada, Australia, and other democratic countries to enhance their lifeboat policies and monitor their implementation.

  • We will continue expanding our civic and political education initiatives in the UK and Canada to help Hong Kongers integrate into their local societies.

  • We will continue working with the international community to call for the release of political prisoners

  • Building on our previous research findings, we will strengthen our sanctions campaign and urge like-minded countries to consider auditing the overseas assets of Hong Kong officials who are complicit in suppressing human rights in Hong Kong. 

香港監察年度籌款 2022


隨著香港人權狀況在中共統治下持續惡化,香港監察需要籌集 80,000英鎊,令我們的工作得以持續下去,幫助更多有需要的香港人。 全賴您的慷慨支持,香港監察才能繼續為香港發聲,並在世界各地推動幫助香港人的政策,為香港人爭取應有的自由和權利。

香港監察過去成功為港人分別於英國及加拿大爭取「救生艇」— BNO簽證計劃及「青年人才計劃」(Open Work Permit) 。而在過去的一年裡,香港監察有賴您的支持,在爭取擴大「救生艇」及其他核心倡議工作方面取得令人振奮的成就。

  • 在英國,我們成功推動政府擴大BNO簽證計劃,令 18至 25歲的合資格年輕港人可以單獨申請簽證。

  • 在加拿大,香港監察一直密切關注「青年人才計劃」的實施情況,並聯同國會議員倡議政府改進該計劃,包括取消「五年內畢業」的限制。

  • 在澳洲,當局從 2022年 3月起實施「救生艇」計劃,允許已經在該國的合資格香港護照持有人申請永久居留權。

  • 在美國,我們成功倡議《香港自治法》,未來將繼續監督美國政府執行該法,對打壓人權自由的香港官員實施金融制裁。

  • 在歐盟,歐洲議會在 2022年 1月通過的聯合決議中採納了我們的核心建議,呼籲歐盟成員國為香港人制定「救生艇」政策,並為有可能被捕的香港新聞工作者發放緊急旅遊證件。


  • 我們將會繼續與英國、加拿大、澳洲和其他民主國家的議員和政客合作,以改進「救生艇」政策及監督其實施情況。

  • 我們亦將繼續擴大在英國和加拿大的公民和政治教育活動,幫助當地港人融入社會及鼓勵他們參與社會事務。

  • 除此之外,我們將繼續與國際社會緊密合作,敦促香港當局釋放所有政治犯。

  • 香港監察亦將在爭取制裁中港官員方面加倍努力,敦促志同道合的民主國家審查那些參與打壓香港人權的香港官員的海外資產,並實施針對性制裁。

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