Hong Kong Watch mourns the passing of Neil Jameson CBE

Hong Kong Watch expresses immense sadness at the death of Neil Jameson and offers our deepest condolences to his wife and family.

Neil Jameson CBE was the Director of UK Welcomes Refugees, where he worked tirelessly on community organising projects to welcome Hong Kongers, Afghans, Ukrainians – and others fleeing war, persecution and oppression – into British society.

Before this, Neil was the Founder and Executive Director of Citizens UK, an organisation he was part of for 30 years which brought together an alliance of diverse local communities working together for the common good and fighting injustice. While championing the rights of refugees and migrants, the organisation also played a significant role in various justice campaign, including advocating for the living wage.

Neil was a close ally for Hong Kongers coming to the UK even before the opening of the BNO visa in January 2021. He drove community organising, linking Hong Kongers with existing civil society groups in the UK and advocating for their rights.

He was a champion for social justice and a strong advocate for refugees. He will be greatly missed by all of us at Hong Kong Watch.

Benedict Rogers, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Watch, said: “Neil Jameson was one of the kindest, most compassionate, generous-hearted and community-spirited people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. He was a wise, experienced, creative and inspiring friend to the Hong Kong community in the UK and a trusted ally and partner in our work in advocating for and welcoming Hong Kongers to this country. We have lost a dear friend and a truly great man who will be missed deeply by so many people. The best tribute to him, and the one he would have wanted, is to continue the work of welcoming, assisting and supporting the Hong Kong community in the UK.”

NewsHarri Thomas