HKW condemns the HK National Security Police's targeting of pro-democracy activists overseas

Today, the Hong Kong National Security Police have issued arrest warrants and bounties for eight Hong Kong pro-democracy activists living overseas.

The arrest warrants have been issued for pro-democracy activists Nathan Law, Dennis Kwok, Ted Hui, Kevin Yam, Anna Kwok, Finn Lau, Elmer Yuen, and Christopher Mung, alongside a bounty of $1 million per individual for information that could lead to their arrest under the National Security Law. Three out of the eight pro-democracy activists currently reside in the UK, two reside in Australia, and three reside in the United States of America.

This is the first time that arrest warrants and bounties have been issued in relation to overseas activity related to the National Security Law.

Those notable individuals targeted include former pro-democracy lawmakers, prominent Hong Kong lawyers and trade unionists, and activists who have campaigned against the National Security Law overseas.

The United Nations has repeatedly called for the repeal and suspension of the National Security Law, including the UN Human Rights Committee which was “deeply concerned about the overly broad interpretation” of the National Security Law and recommended that the HKSAR repeal the law and refrain from applying it in the meantime. Last week, the European Parliament passed its third resolution on the human rights situation in the HKSAR in three years, stating that “fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, and the judiciary’s independence in Hong Kong have deteriorated alarmingly” since the imposition of the National Security Law.

Commenting on the issuing of arrest warrants and bounties, Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive, Benedict Rogers, said:

“We condemn this outrageous attempt by the Hong Kong National Security Police to target, intimidate, and silence pro-democracy activists and lawmakers living overseas.

It is no coincidence that these warrants and bounties have been issued two days after the third anniversary of the imposition of the draconian National Security Law in Hong Kong by Beijing.

We urge the UK, USA, and Australian Government to issue statements guaranteeing the safety of those activists named and the wider Hong Kong community living overseas, likeminded governments to suspend the remaining extradition treaties with the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong, and for coordinated action to introduce an Interpol early warning system to protect pro-democracy activists overseas.”

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