Hong Kong Watch Canada holds seminar on Hong Kong’s special status in Canadian Parliament

On Wednesday, following a reception to welcome two new Patrons, Hong Kong Watch Canada held a seminar on Hong Kong’s special status, in the Canadian Parliament. The seminar was chaired by Shuvaloy Majumdar MP and focused on the evolving dynamics of Hong Kong as a backdoor for the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and their implications for Canada.

Hong Kong Watch’s Chair of Trustees Aileen Calverley and Canada Policy Advisor Katherine Leung delivered comprehensive presentations on Hong Kong’s special privileges. The discussions underscored the troubling status of Hong Kong as a hub for sanctions evasion and the concerning loss of autonomy that has ensued since the implementation of the National Security Law.

The key discussion points are summarised as follows:

  • Loss of autonomy: The seminar highlighted that Hong Kong no longer enjoys the high degree of autonomy it once did, with its governance increasingly intertwined with PRC’s interests.

  • Sanctions evasion: Hong Kong’s role in facilitating sanctions evasion for countries such as Iran and Russia poses significant risks to global security and undermines international efforts to hold violators accountable.

  • Security risks: The privileges enjoyed by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs) in Canada raise substantial security concerns. Participants discussed the need to remove HKETOs’ consular immunities and other consular privileges.

  • Bilateral investment agreements: The seminar emphasised the necessity for Canada to review its bilateral investment agreements with Hong Kong, such as the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA), to ensure alignment with national security interests, particularly in the light of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

Prominent participants, including James Bezan MP, Shadow Minister for National Defence, and Charles Burton, a scholar of Canada-China relations, reiterated the importance of reconsidering the consular privileges currently granted to HKETOs.

As Canada navigates these complex challenges, it is vital to take proactive measures to protect national interests and security. The discussions at the seminar mark an important step towards addressing the implications of Hong Kong’s evolving role in global geopolitics.

Parliamentarians/diplomat attending the seminar:

Shuvaloy Majumdar MP

Hon. Ed Fast MP

James Bezan MP

Ambassador Harry Tseng

Senator Andrew Cardozo

Greg McLean MP

Senator Leo Housakos

Pierre Paul-Hus MP

Kelly Block MP

加拿大香港監察在加拿大國會舉辦研討會 探討香港特殊地位

星期三,緊隨歡迎兩位新贊助人的招待會後,加拿大香港監察在加拿大國會舉辦香港特殊地位研討會。研討會由Shuvaloy Majumdar MP主持,重點探討香港作為中國後門的演變及其對加拿大的影響。

香港監察信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley和加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung全面講解了香港特殊待遇。討論強調了香港成為逃避制裁的中心,以及自《國家安全法》實施後喪失自治權的局面。


  • 喪失高度自治:研討會強調,香港不再享有曾經擁有的高度自治,其管治愈來愈與中共的利益掛鉤。

  • 逃避制裁中心:香港在協助伊朗和俄羅斯等國家逃避制裁方面的角色,對全球安全構成重大風險,有礙國際社會向違規者問責。

  • 安全風險:香港經濟貿易辦事處(HKETO)在加拿大享有的特權引發重大安全憂慮。參加者討論了撤銷HKETO的領事豁免及其他領事特權的必要性。

  • 雙邊投資協議:研討會強調,加拿大有必要檢視與香港簽訂的雙邊投資協議,例如促進和保護投資協定(IPPA),確保這些協議符合加拿大的國家安全利益,特別是在《維護國家安全條例》(俗稱「23條」)的背景下。

影子國防部長、國會議員James Bezan MP和加中關係學者Charles Burton等參加者重申,加拿大必須重新考慮目前賦予HKETO的領事特權。



Shuvaloy Majumdar MP

Hon. Ed Fast MP

James Bezan MP

Ambassador Harry Tseng

Senator Andrew Cardozo

Greg McLean MP

Senator Leo Housakos

Pierre Paul-Hus MP

Kelly Block MP