Updated briefing: Hong Kongers who have fled to the UK are being denied access to over £3 billion in savings

Hong Kongers who have fled to the UK on the BNO visa scheme are being denied access to over £3 billion held in Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) retirement savings schemes by banks, including by the UK-headquartered HSBC and Standard Chartered, an updated Hong Kong Watch briefing estimates.

Hong Kong Watch continues to see several letters from banks to individuals, rejecting their early MPF withdrawal claims based on guidance from the Hong Kong government to the Mandatory Provident Fund Authority (MPFA) which supervises the provision of MPF schemes. The latest briefing includes five case studies which illustrate how the withholding of Hong Kongers’ hard-earned savings has affected their families in the UK and Hong Kong, as well as various aspects of their integration into the UK. 

The MPF is a compulsory retirement saving scheme for the people of Hong Kong and ordinarily anyone permanently leaving Hong Kong is entitled to withdraw their savings. However, a unilateral declaration from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the opening of the BNO visa scheme in January 2021 to no longer recognise the BNO identity has blocked access for hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers. This retaliatory action was conducted by fiat with no laws or regulations being changed in Hong Kong regarding the operation of the Mandatory Provident Fund.

Hong Kong Watch continues to actively engage in discussions with MPF trustees as well as cross-department government and parliamentary representatives to ultimately release the MPF savings of BNO visa holders. In the briefing, Hong Kong Watch’s recommendations include: 

  • MPF trustees should release the MPF savings of Hong Kongers, recognising that the statement from the MPFA refusing to accept the BNO passport of a valid form of identification for the early withdrawal of MPF is a retaliatory action conducted by fiat with no laws or regulations being changed in Hong Kong regarding the operation of the MPF.

  • MPF trustees, including UK-headquartered HSBC and Standard Chartered, should meet with Hong Kong Watch to increase their understanding of MPF-related issues affecting the Hong Kong community.

  • The UK government should provide a formalised statement of the intention of BNO visa holders to apply for British citizenship, which BNO visa holders can present to UK-based MPF trustees should they be denied access to their MPF savings, given that 99% of Hong Kongers who hold a BNO visa intend to apply for British citizenship.

These updated findings follow Hong Kong Watch research from April 2023 showing that Hong Kongers who have fled to the UK are being denied access to over £2.2 billion in savings held in the MPF.

The full briefing can be read here.

Megan Khoo, Research and Policy Advisor of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“Hong Kong Watch continues to make every effort to release the hard-earned Mandatory Provident Fund savings of BNO visa holders who have fled to the UK. We have met with the appropriate business executives to address this issue, and hope to meet with representatives from HSBC and Standard Chartered to explain how the withholding of MPF is affecting the Hong Kong community. It is important that these London-headquartered trustees explain to its customers why they continue to block access to their savings under a fickle mandate from an authoritarian government.”







香港監察研究及政策顧問Megan Khoo表示:
