Government of Canada urged to address root cause of Hong Kong Pathway backlog issue

Today, the Government of Canada announced a new temporary public policy in response to the Hong Kong Pathway backlog issue caused by long processing times, which results in Hong Kongers’ temporary status in Canada expiring before permanent residence applications are finalized. 

The new public policy will make open work permits available to those who have applied for permanent residence under Stream A (in-Canada graduates) or Stream B (Canadian work experience) and held a work or study permit in the 3 years before their application for permanent residence was received. 

We welcome the news that Canada’s Associate Deputy Minister has promised to deliver a solution which would secure an Open Work Permit for permanent residency applicants. Hong Kong Watch welcomes this new public policy as a short-term solution that addresses the issue of temporary status expiring as applicants await a decision on their permanent residence applications. 

However, while this new public policy addresses the immediate need for Hong Kongers to renew their temporary status, it does not address the root cause of long processing times. With low admission targets, many applicants will have to wait over a year for their permanent residency. 

We therefore urge the Canadian government to increase the admission targets for the Hong Kong Pathway in 2024. By allocating more slots for this pathway, a larger number of applicants can be accommodated, reducing processing times and waiting lists.

Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch said:

“We urge the Minister of Immigration to approve all permanent residency applications submitted in 2023 within the next two months, and maintain a priority processing time frame of 6.5 months for permanent residency applications thereafter. Canada must step up its efforts to fast-track applications from Hong Kongers in urgent need and to offer a pathway to all Hong Kongers in need of sanctuary in Canada. There is absolutely no need for delay and bureaucracy should not be used as an excuse – measures must be expedited immediately. Expanding the admission targets will demonstrate the government’s commitment to supporting individuals from Hong Kong under this lifeboat scheme and providing them with a pathway to permanent residency in Canada.”