Canadian Senate passes Bill C-70, making it law to counter foreign interference

The Canadian Senate has passed Bill C-70, An Act respecting countering foreign interference. Hong Kong Watch welcomes the passage of Bill C-70 in both chambers of the Canadian Parliament, making it law to counter foreign interference in Canada.

The passage of Bill C-70 follows Katherine Leung, Policy Advisor for Hong Kong Watch Canada, testifying before the Canadian House of Commons and Senate on our support of the Bill which will combat foreign interference and protect the Hong Kong community.

Bill C-70 will amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Act (CSIA), Security of Information Act, Canada Evidence Act, Foreign Influence Transparency and Accountability Act, and other acts to provide greater oversight and accountability for countering foreign interference, including transnational repression against the Hong Kong diaspora in Canada.

This includes updating the CSIA to equip national security partners to broaden the disclosure of their Canadian Security Intelligence Service information to key partners beyond the Government of Canada, which will allow institutions to better understand and anticipate potential threats, build resilience against foreign interference, and take proactive measures to safeguard their operations and intellectual property. 

Hong Kong Watch calls for the immediate application of Bill C-70 to support the growing number of Hong Kongers in Canada, who face job loss, eviction, and harassment due to their political opinions. You can read more on how transnational repression affects the Hong Kong community in Hong Kong Watch’s April 2024 publication, Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference.

Hong Kong Watch Patron Senator Leo Housakos said: 

“The measures in this legislation have been far too long in coming, especially the creation of a foreign agent registry. 

When people come to our country to escape tyranny and authoritarianism in their homeland, we owe it to them to ensure their safety and well-being, free from the threats and intimidation we’ve seen against Hong Kongers in Canada.

I look forward to now seeing these measures implemented so that we are no longer lagging our allies in the fight against foreign interference and transnational repression.”

加拿大參議院三讀通過《C-70打擊外國干預法案》 法案即將成為法律


《C-70法案》獲通過前,香港監察加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung分別在加拿大眾議院參議院作證,表明香港監察支持法案,法案有助打擊外國干預,保護港人社群。

《C-70法案》將修訂《加拿大安全情報局法》(Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act)、《資訊安全法》(Security of Information Act)、《加拿大證據法》(Canada Evidence Act)、《外國影響透明度及問責法》(Foreign Influence Transparency and Accountability Act)及其他法案,加強對打擊外國干預的監督和問責,包括針對加拿大離散港人社群的跨國鎮壓。


香港監察呼籲立即採納《C-70法案》,以期支援因政治觀點而面臨失業、迫遷,甚至騷擾的在加港人,遇到這些情況的人愈來愈多。如欲更詳細了解跨國鎮壓如何影響加拿大港人社群,可參閱香港監察2024年4月發表的簡報《在加港人的安全:跨國鎮壓與外國干預》(Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference)。

香港監察贊助人、加拿大參議員Senator Leo Housakos表示:




NewsMegan KhooCanada