Hong Kong Watch testifies to Canadian Parliament on backlog of 9,000 permanent residency applications for Hong Kongers in Canada

Today, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch, Aileen Calverley testified before the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration of the Canadian House of Commons on the backlog of 9,000 permanent residency (PR) applications for Hong Kongers who reside in Canada. Mrs Calverley represented Hong Kong Watch as well as the Hong Kong Young Professional Association Canada and 2023 PR Backlog Alliance, consisting of over 1,000 Stream A and Stream B PR applicants.

Mrs Calverley opened her testimony by stating that of the approximately 60,000 Hong Kongers under the Hong Kong Pathway in Canada, there are 9,000 pending PR applications. Of these applications, “Hong Kong Watch’s survey indicates that 15% of PR applicants have been waiting for over a year, which significantly exceeds the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) official average priority processing time of 6.5 months,” said Mrs Calverley. 

Despite the IRCC setting admission targets for Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations at 13,750 for 2024, the allocation to the Hong Kong Pathway remains unknown. Mrs Calverley called for an increase in admission targets specific to the Hong Kong Pathway. “It is crucial for the IRCC to recognize the urgency of the situation and approve all PR applications submitted in 2023 within the next two months,” said Mrs Calverley.

Aileen Calverley added:

“Hong Kongers seeking refuge in Canada are not only facing significant psychological burdens due to the deteriorating human rights situation in Hong Kong but also struggling to settle down and contribute to Canadian society as temporary workers. 

The IRCC must increase admission targets for the Hong Kong Pathway, clear the existing backlog within the next two months, and ensure priority processing for the PR applications of Hong Kongers. By allocating more slots and prioritizing the processing of permanent residency applications, we can fulfill our humanitarian obligations and honor our commitment to the Hong Kong community in Canada.”

香港監察出席加拿大國會移民委員會聽證會 就「Hong Kong Pathway」永居申請個案積壓作供

今天,香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley出席加拿大眾議院公民及移民常務委員會聽證會,就9,000宗「Hong Kong Pathway」永久居留申請個案積壓事宜作供

Aileen Calverley在作證開始時表示,約60,000名香港人循「Hong Kong Pathway」申請永久居留權,其中有9,000人正等候審批結果。她指出,香港監察調查顯示15%永居申請人已經等待一年有多,遠超加拿大移民、難民及公民部(IRCC)聲稱的官方平均優先處理時間6.5個月。

IRCC將2024年人道及恩恤(Humanitarian and Compassionate)類別的移民目標(admission targets)設為13,750人,但並沒列明撥給「Hong Kong Pathway」的配額。Aileen Calverley呼籲IRCC增加「Hong Kong Pathway」的移民目標配額,並在未來兩個月內批核所有2023年提交的永居申請。