Hong Kong Watch welcomes US congressional resolution condemning Article 23 legislation

On 4 June 2024, the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) introduced a bipartisan resolution with Representative Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) condemning the adoption of Hong Kong’s new Article 23 legislation that gives the government broad powers to prosecute those it considers dissidents.

The resolution, intentionally introduced on the anniversary, “stands with Hong Kongers in their demand to protect their basic human and civil rights and the dignity to freely express themselves without fear of political persecution”. The resolution also condemns the passage of Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong, which violates Hong Kong’s obligations under international laws and treaties.

The full statement on the resolution is available here and was submitted to the Congressional Record. Hong Kong Watch welcomes this resolution, as well as the steadfast congressional support for the people of Hong Kong. 

Hong Kong Watch also attended the Select Committee press conference on “Tiananmen at 35 – The Ongoing Struggle for Human Rights and Democracy in China” to mark the anniversary.

Anouk Wear, US Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch said:

“We are grateful that so many Members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, continue to support the call for a respect of human rights in China and Hong Kong. Thirty-five years after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the protestors’ demands and memory continue around the world. 

We are especially appreciative to Representatives Adam Schiff and Gus Bilirakis for presenting this timely resolution on Hong Kong, especially following the passage of Article 23 legislation and the arbitrary arrests of peaceful pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong on June 4th.” 

美國眾議院推決議案譴責23條 香港監察欣見兩黨議員支持港人

「六四」35週年當日(即2024年6月4日),民主黨眾議員Adam Schiff聯同共和黨眾議員Gus Bilirakis提出兩黨決議案,譴責香港當局通過23條立法,新法賦予港府廣泛權力來檢控其視為異見者的人士。這項決議獲一致同意通過。


有關決議案的聲明全文可在此處查看,並已列入國會紀錄(Congressional Record)。香港監察歡迎這項決議,以及美國國會對香港人的堅定支持。

香港監察美國研究及政策顧問華穆清 Anouk Wear表示:


我們特別感謝眾議員Adam Schiff和Gus Bilirakis適時提出這項撐港決議,尤其是在香港當局通過23條立法及於6月4日無理拘捕香港和平社運人士後。」