Hong Kong Watch statement on the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover and the fourth anniversary of the National Security Law

Today marks the 27th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong and the fourth anniversary of the imposition of the draconian National Security Law by Beijing. These anniversaries are a solemn time for the people of Hong Kong and those in democratic countries who stand with Hong Kongers in their struggle for autonomous government, the rule of law, and basic rights and freedoms.

The erosion of Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms, as guaranteed under the Basic Law and international treaty obligations, has rapidly intensified over the past year. On 23 March, the Hong Kong government passed the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO), commonly known as ‘Article 23’ legislation, which introduced broadly-defined offences of treason, theft of state secrets, and external interference. It allows for closed-door trials and detentions up to 16 days without charge. The hasty introduction of this draconian law was broadly condemned by international lawmakers, legal experts and human rights NGOs. 

A week after the passing of the SNSO, pro-democracy activist Ma Chun-man became the first Hong Konger to have the SNSO applied retroactively to his sentence. The first new arrests under the SNSO were made in May, with the detention of five women and one man for allegedly posting seditious content on social media. In June, Hong Kong police exercised new powers created under the SNSO to cancel the passports of six exiled pro-democracy activists living in the UK, having previously issued thirteen arrest warrants with HK$1 million (£100,508) bounties in July and December last year. 

The trial of Jimmy Lai, a British citizen who founded the now-defunct pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, has been one of the most high-profile cases prosecuted under the National Security Law. Mr Lai faces three charges which carry a maximum punishment of life in prison, and one charge for “conspiracy to publish seditious publications” under the colonial-era sedition law. Mr Lai has spent well over 1000 days in prison, mostly in solitary confinement.

In May, 14 of the 47 pro-democracy lawmakers and journalists arrested and prosecuted for organising and participating in ‘unofficial’ primaries were found guilty of subversion, after a 118-days trial. The majority of defendants have been in detention for 2 years, as only 13 have been granted bail.

In the face of the plights faced by Hong Kong’s political prisoners, this anniversary offers a chance for reflection on the broken promises made to the people of Hong Kong. Lord Patten, the last Governor of Hong Kong and Patron of Hong Kong Watch, commented in a video message to mark the anniversary of the handover: 

“We felt a real obligation to all the people in Hong Kong and we therefore negotiated with the Chinese Communist Party a treaty to guarantee for them for 50 years after 1997 both their existing way of life, the rule of law and a high degree of autonomy. [...] the Chinese Communist Party trashed that treaty, which had been lodged at the United Nations. They said it was simply a historic document. It was not – it was a treaty.” 

With the continued assault on Hong Kong’s basic rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the Chinese government and the Beijing-endorsed ‘patriotic’ Hong Kong Legislative Councillors have made clear their total disregard for their international human rights obligations. 

Against a backdrop of growing authoritarianism worldwide, like-minded democratic governments must take concrete action in response to human rights abuses and the erosion of democratic norms. This must include holding the perpetrators to account through targeted sanctions, expanding lifeboat schemes for Hong Kongers who are currently left behind, pushing for the release of political prisoners, and calling out the PRC government’s human rights abuses. 

In particular, in a briefing published today, we call on the UK government to expand the BNO scheme to allow all those who were children at the time of the handover, and who were born to parents with BNO status, to apply for the BNO scheme. These individuals had no control over whether they received BNO status or not, and many are now left without a route out of the city while their family and friends leave for the UK. We call for the UK government to make good on the UK’s historic commitments to the people of Hong Kong.

Since 1 July 1997, and especially since 1 July 2020, the people of Hong Kong have endured the loss of what many residents cherished most about their city. On the 27th anniversary of this solemn date, we call on governments worldwide to stand with the people of Hong Kong and commit to action on this devastating assault on human rights, freedom and democracy.







面對香港政治犯所經歷的困境,這個週年提供機會反思中國對香港人違背的承諾。香港監察贊助人、前港督彭定康勳爵(Lord Patten of Barnes)在主權移交27週年錄影講話中表示:




