MPs and nearly 1,000 BNO Hong Kongers urge UK government to consider granting Home Fee status to BNOs

Nearly 1,000 BNO Hong Kongers from across the UK signed a letter from Hong Kong Watch to the new Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson MP, calling on the UK government to consider granting Home Fee status to BNOs.

A copy of the letter, together with the names of 980 BNO Hong Konger signatories, will be sent to the Education Secretary this week.

Following written requests for endorsement from BNO Hong Kong constituents, the letter is also endorsed by MPs from all three major parties (see below), including two Hong Kong Watch Patrons, Lord Patten of Barnes, the last Governor of Hong Kong, and Crossbench Peer Lord Alton of Liverpool.

Young BNO visa holders living in England and Wales currently face paying exceedingly high international fees, without access to student financing, in order to attend university in the UK. This is in contrast to students on other humanitarian pathways in the UK, such as those from Ukraine or Afghanistan, who have Home Fee status, as well as EU students, who are eligible to receive Home Fee status after three years’ residency in the UK, EEA or Switzerland. As a result, young BNOs have to pay up to £50,000 a year in tuition fees alone, pricing them out of university courses and the chance to pursue professional careers.

In May 2023, the Scottish government announced that it would change tuition fee eligibility requirements for all migrant students, meaning that BNO visa holders are now able to access free tuition fees at Scottish Higher Education institutes after three years’ residency in Scotland.

Hong Kong Watch’s letter urges the UK government to follow the example of the Scottish government by granting BNO visa holders Home Fee status after three years’ residency. 

The letter can be read here.

Hong Kong Watch’s report on Home Fee status for BNO Hong Kongers, which was launched in the UK Parliament in March, can be read here.

The letter is endorsed by the following MPs and Peers: 

Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham 

Will Forster, Liberal Democrat MP for Woking

Blair McDougall, Labour MP for East Renfrewshire

James Naish, Labour MP for Rushcliffe 

Charlotte Nichols, Labour MP for Warrington North

Zoë Franklin, Liberal Democrat MP for Guildford

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative MP for Chingford and Woodford Green

Nadia Whittome, Labour MP for Nottingham East

The Lord Alton of Liverpool, Crossbench Peer 

The Lord Patten of Barnes, Conservative Peer and the last Governor of Hong Kong


近千名來自英國各地的BNO香港人簽署了香港監察致新任教育大臣方佩芝議員(Bridget Phillipson MP)的信函,呼籲英國政府考慮向BNO港人授予本地生學費資格。


繼BNO港人選民聯絡當地國會議員請求支持後,信函亦獲三大政黨國會兩院議員(見下文)支持,當中包括兩位香港監察贊助人:前港督彭定康勳爵(Lord Patten of Barnes),以及中立議員奧爾頓勳爵(Lord Alton of Liverpool)。







Rotherham選區工黨下議員柴萍恩(Sarah Champion)

Woking選區自由民主黨下議員Will Forster

East Renfrewshire選區工黨下議員Blair McDougall

Rushcliffe選區工黨下議員James Naish

Warrington North選區工黨下議員Charlotte Nichols

Guildford選區自由民主黨下議員Zoë Franklin

Chingford and Woodford Green選區保守黨下議員施志安爵士(Sir Iain Duncan Smith)

Nottingham East選區工黨下議員Nadia Whittome

中立上議員奧爾頓勳爵(Lord Alton of Liverpool)

保守黨上議員、前香港總督彭定康勳爵(Lord Patten of Barnes)

NewsTom BensonBNO, bno, Letter, UK, uk