Benedict Rogers: British parliamentarian call for sanctions against Carrie Lam – just the start ViewHong Kong Watch7 August 2020media
Analysis: Why Hong Kong's decision to suspend the Legislative Council elections is unnecessary and an assault on freedoms News, ViewHong Kong Watch31 July 2020HR, DQ, democracy
Benedict Rogers: Better to stand up for free world late than never ViewHong Kong Watch24 July 2020media
Benedict Rogers: Let it not take forty years to get world’s conscience awakened ViewHong Kong Watch17 July 2020media, HR, Rule of Law
Benedict Rogers: When thousands stand up again for democracy in Hong Kong ViewHong Kong Watch13 July 2020media
Benedict Rogers: Beijing Launches a Global Assault on Free Speech ViewHong Kong Watch10 July 2020media, HR
Benedict Rogers: Please use your liberty to promote Hong Kong’s ViewHong Kong Watch10 July 2020media, HR
We are all Hong Kongers now. Benedict Rogers: what should the world do to save free and autonomous city ViewHong Kong Watch10 July 2020media, Rule of Law
Johnny Patterson on LBC: Britain extending rights to BNOs is a domestic issue, not interference in China's affairs View, NewsHong Kong Watch7 July 2020media, HR, Rule of Law, UK
Benedict Rogers: Britain’s offer to Hong Kong is bold, generous – and not enough View, NewsHong Kong Watch7 July 2020Rule of Law, HR, UK, media
Benedict Rogers and Johnny Patterson: How Can the World Help Hong Kong? View, NewsHong Kong Watch2 July 2020ILC, Actions, Rule of Law, HR, media
Benedict Rogers: We are on the brink of a new Cold War. Hong Kong is the frontline. ViewHong Kong Watch24 June 2020ILC, HR
WATCH: New Episode of "In Conversation with Benedict Rogers" - Jung-Hoon Lee ViewHong Kong Watch11 June 2020HR, Rule of Law
Benedict Rogers: Appeasement only emboldened the butchers of Beijing ViewHong Kong Watch4 June 2020HR
WATCH: Benedict Rogers' Interview on BBC World News ViewHong Kong Watch1 June 2020Media, HR, Rule of Law
Benedict Rogers on LBC: There is much more that the UK can do ViewHong Kong Watch30 May 2020Media, Rule of Law, HR
LISTEN: Benedict Rogers's Interview on Premier: What Hong Kong's new security law could mean for religious freedom ViewHong Kong Watch30 May 2020media, Rule of Law, HR
WATCH: Benedict Rogers' Interview on Al Jazeera View, NewsHong Kong Watch28 May 2020media, Rule of Law, HR