New Statesman: 'How the UK’s Hong Kong visa offer could still fail refugees' ViewHong Kong Watch23 February 2021Media
Benedict Rogers: Real-life Alice in Wonderland: sentence first, verdict afterwards ViewHong Kong Watch19 February 2021Media
Benedict Rogers: Giants, faithful soldiers, morons, moral cowards and the truly wicked ViewHong Kong Watch12 February 2021Media
Financial Times: 'UK says Hong Kong authorities no longer recognise dual nationality' ViewHong Kong Watch8 February 2021Media
Benedict Rogers: Hong Kong and Myanmar: two battles, one fight ViewHong Kong Watch5 February 2021Media
Hong Kong Watch: Leading foreign policy names lay out roadmap for international responses to Hong Kong News, ViewHong Kong Watch4 February 2021Media, Event
E15: Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP- In Conversation with Benedict Rogers ViewHong Kong Watch4 February 2021Media
UK Civil Society offers welcome to Hong Kongers View, NewsHong Kong Watch29 January 2021media, Media, BNO
Benedict Rogers: CCP unites politicians in Washington, DC and Westminster ViewHong Kong Watch22 January 2021Media
E14: Ambassador Sam Brownback - In Conversation with Benedict Rogers ViewHong Kong Watch16 January 2021Media
Benedict Rogers: How to shun a situation where no one is left to speak out for you ViewHong Kong Watch8 January 2021media, Media
Benedict Rogers: The EU should abandon its deal with China’s brutal regime ViewHong Kong Watch6 January 2021media, Media, EU, democracy
Johnny Patterson: The EU must ditch its deal with China after the arrests in Hong Kong ViewHong Kong Watch6 January 2021media, Media, EU, democracy
Benedict Rogers speaks to Premier on the arrests of over 50 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong ViewHong Kong Watch6 January 2021Media, media, democracy
New Year message from Chief Executive of Hong Kong Watch ViewHong Kong Watch1 January 2021Media, media
Benedict Rogers: Those who stand for truth are never alone ViewHong Kong Watch1 January 2021Media, media, democracy