'Let this be the year in which Ministers finally face up to the challenge of China', Megan Khoo
'Hong Kong’s Dismal December', Benedict Rogers
'A saintly parallel from Prague for Hong Kong’s Jimmy Lai', Benedict Rogers
'The trial of Jimmy Lai shows that no one is safe under Xi Jinping’s regime', Benedict Rogers
'Never again? It takes more than words to take on the tyrants – protect human rights', Benedict Rogers
'Pope Francis, Rishi Sunak must speak up for Jimmy Lai', Benedict Rogers
'The Slow, Insidious Attack on Freedom of Religion in Hong Kong', Benedict Rogers
'The insidious undermining of religious freedom in Hong Kong', Benedict Rogers
'The Hong Kong government is slowly suffocating religious freedom', Benedict Rogers
'Yoon Seok-yeol Government, Stand with the Freedom of Hong Kong' – Jung-Hoon Lee
'Why RCEP Should Think Twice About Admitting Hong Kong', Sam Goodman and Anouk Wear
UCA News: 'Beijing’s new hymn for Hong Kong churches', Benedict Rogers
Catholic Herald: 'The Sino-Vatican Pact isn’t working: so why does Cardinal Chow insist that it is?', Benedict Rogers
The Independent: '1,000 days behind bars: Unless Britain steps up, Jimmy Lai – my friend – could die in prison', Benedict Rogers
The Spectator: 'Parliament needs protecting from foreign infiltration', Benedict Rogers
UCA News: 'Rome must send a clear signal of reassurance to Taiwan', Benedict Rogers
The Telegraph: 'Britain must not give an inch to China', Benedict Rogers
Foreign Policy: 'The Real Risks of Doing Business in China', Benedict Rogers
Conservative Home: 'China is penetrating the UK economy at every level. Our response has been completely inadequate', Benedict Rogers
Hong Kong Watch’s Interview on the Expansion of Stream B with CBC News