Hong Kong Watch launches Youth Initiative program in Canada

To help Hong Kongers integrate into the Canadian society through civic and political engagement, Hong Kong Watch has launched a Youth Initiative program in Canada. Details of the program are as follows:

Youth Initiative Program Oct 2022 to May 2023


  • Integrating HongKongers into Canadian society through civic and political education and engagement 

  • Strengthening HongKonger identity and increasing Hong Kong Canadians’ social and political representation in Canada

  • To provide training and workshops, and offer volunteer/internship opportunities to young HongKongers who are ready to join international NGOs and political parties and work for the government and parliament.

Training and placements:

  1. Eight sessions of training and workshops on the Canadian political system, public relations, advocacy skills, local social and political issues, HongKongers’ identity in Canada (detailed course outline and schedule will be provided when the application is accepted)

  2. Community participation: Volunteering for “HongKonger Community Center”

  3. Fees: Free

  4. Ottawa Parliament visit and 2 days workshops in Parliament (HKW Canada covers lodging only)

  5. Hong Kong Watch Canada will assist participants applying for: 1. Volunteering opportunities at NGOs and politicians’ local offices; 2. Internships in the parliament & local MPs offices

Who can apply? HongKongers living in Canada aged under 40 with a high proficiency in English


Interested candidates should submit a full CV with a covering letter setting out why they are interested in this program by email to max@hongkongwatch.org by September 23, 2022. 

If you want to know more about the program, you can sign up for the in-person and virtual briefing session by filling this form: https://forms.gle/KMri2rKMCruJTJ379

Briefing session: 

Date and time: August 27 Saturday 3pm EST

Venue: CFSO, 4051 Gordon Baker Rd, Unit A, Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2P3



#加拿大香港監察 為此推出 #青年倡議計劃,為40歲以下居於加拿大的香港青年提供多場講座及工作坊,並協助完成工作坊的參與者申請國會、NGO實習機會,及國會議員選區義務工作機會,以提升港人移民在加拿大的政治及公民參與,強化香港人身份,亦為有志參與政治或擔任公職的青年提供支援。




-       深入認識三級政府架構

-       國會政黨政治光譜

-       政治公關技巧

-       香港人社群與各級議會的關係

-       社會行動組織技巧


報名資格:40歲以下居於加拿大香港人,包括持OWP及SP新移民; 高程度英語寫作能力

報名方式:在2022年9月23日前電郵履歷及自薦信至 max@hongkongwatch.org。須簡述相關經驗及希望參與計劃的原因,以供選拔。



時間:下午3時正 (東岸時間)

地點:CFSO, 4051 Gordon Baker Rd Unit A, Scarborough, ON M1W 2P3

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