Hong Kong Watch hosts BNO discussion on the race for the next Prime Minister

As part of Hong Kong Watch’s BNO civic and political education series, we held a panel discussion and social event on 17 August 2022 to discuss the race for the next Prime Minister.

The speakers discussed the leadership race and how we got here, how it differs from the election of other party leaders, what the outcome will mean for UK-China relations, and in particular for the BNO community in the UK.

The panel speakers consisted of journalists from across the political spectrum, as well as a Downing Street insider.

The 90-minute discussion and audience Q&A was chaired by Benedict Rogers, Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive, and was followed by time for networking and socialising.

This was the fourth event in Hong Kong Watch’s civic and political education programme, which aims to help the Hong Kong BNO community better understand the UK’s political system, how they can engage with it, what their rights are and what its impact and relevance is.

Panel speakers

  • Juliet Samuel, a columnist who covers politics, economics, foreign policy and technology for The Telegraph

  • Freddie Hayward, a political reporter at the New Statesman

  • Tim Montgomerie, co-founder of the Centre for Social Justice and founder of ConservativeHome.com, as well as a former Comment Editor at The Times, and former Chief of Staff to Iain Duncan Smith MP when he was Leader of the Conservative Party, and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) in 10 Downing Street