Hong Kong Watch stands in solidarity with Hong Kongers commemorating the fifth anniversary of the ‘612 incident’

Hong Kong Watch stands in solidarity with Hong Kongers around the world in commemorating the fifth anniversary of the 2019 anti-extradition law protests in Hong Kong, and especially the demonstrations outside the Hong Kong Legislative Council on 12 June 2019, referred to as the ‘612 incident’. The 612 incident involved the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) using the first rubber bullets and tear gas against peaceful pro-democracy protesters.

According to Amnesty International, between 12 June 2019 and 29 February 2020, the HKPF fired a total of 19 rounds of live ammunition, 16,191 rounds of tear gas, 10,100 rounds of rubber bullets, 2,033 beanbag rounds and 1,880 rounds of sponge bullets at protesters, which led to serious eye injuries on at least three occasions. Police were routinely seen hitting protesters’ heads with batons, kicking and stomping on heads and limbs with heavy-duty riot gear, and kneeling on protesters and non-protesters who were in no way resisting or capable of resisting.

Benedict Rogers, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Watch, commemorated the anniversary alongside hundreds of Hong Kongers in protest outside the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London on Sunday.

Benedict Rogers said: 

“In 2019, 12 June was a key turning point for the protest movement against the proposed extradition law. On this day, peaceful protesters were met with unacceptable and horrific acts of police brutality that violate human rights and Hong Kong’s obligations under international law.

We pay tribute to the courageous protesters who risked their lives and futures to defend the values of freedom, the rule of law, and the autonomy which Beijing promised to Hong Kong in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

With heavy hearts, we reflect on the ongoing dismantling of Hong Kong’s freedoms and autonomy on this fifth anniversary of the 612 incident. It is vital that we continue not only to remember the transformation of Hong Kong from an open society to a police state, but to inform the international community of the dangers of doing business as usual in Hong Kong. 

In particular, governments around the world should shine a spotlight on the risks of operating in Hong Kong, and on the hundreds of political prisoners who remain behind bars in the city. The rest of us should do the same, and use our voices in solidarity with those in Hong Kong who have been silenced and those in the diaspora who live in fear around the uncertainty of the draconian National Security Law and Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

We will always remember, and continue to fight for a brighter future in the city we know and love, and that so many call home.”

「反送中」運動五週年|香港監察與港人並肩同行 紀念「612事件」五週年


星期日(6月9日),香港監察共同創辦人兼行政總監羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)參與在香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處外舉行的集會,與數百名港人一起紀念運動五週年。





