Hong Kong authorities cancel passports of six pro-democracy activists with bounties in UK

Hong Kong Watch condemns the Hong Kong government cancelling the passports of six Hong Kong pro-democracy activists in the UK who were issued arrest warrants with HK$1 million (£100,508) bounties in July and December last year. This includes Finn Lau, Simon Cheng, Christopher Mung, Nathan Law, Johnny Fok and Tony Choi.

This is the first time the Hong Kong government has exercised its power to cancel the passports of alleged “absconders” under the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, known as ‘Article 23’. Under Article 23, the Hong Kong Secretary for Security can declare an individual to be an absconder if they have an arrest warrant for a minimum of six months without appearing before a magistrate, and if the Secretary for Security “reasonably believes” they are not in Hong Kong.

The government will also cancel all business dealings in Hong Kong related to the six individuals, and make it unlawful to provide them with “funds, financial assets, handle their economic resources, or have property dealings”. Those who breach this provision or enter into a joint venture with these individuals could face up to seven years’ imprisonment.

The Hong Kong government press release reads, “These lawless wanted criminals are hiding in the United Kingdom and continue to blatantly engage in activities that endanger national security. They also make scaremongering remarks to smear and slander the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. More so, they continue to collude with external forces to protect their evil deeds. We therefore have taken such measures to give them a strong blow.”

The notable individuals who have been targeted since last year include former pro-democracy lawmakers, prominent Hong Kong lawyers and trade unionists, and activists who have campaigned against the activities of the Hong Kong government that breach Hong Kong’s obligations under international law and treaties.

Benedict Rogers, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“Hong Kong Watch condemns this outrageous manoeuvre by the Hong Kong authorities to further target, intimidate and silence these six pro-democracy activists living in the UK who have simply advocated for their freedoms. It is no coincidence that the authorities have cancelled their passports on the same day that millions of Hong Kongers are commemorating the fifth anniversary of the 2019 anti-extradition law protests in Hong Kong, and especially the demonstrations outside the Hong Kong Legislative Council on 12 June 2019. 

This blatant act of transnational repression further demonstrates that, in the absence of consequences, the Hong Kong government will be emboldened to commit further attacks on the safety of activists and the wider Hong Kong community in the UK. As the UK looks to the polls on 4 July, all political parties should commit to officially condemning this and other acts of transnational repression by the Hong Kong government.”

港府撤銷六名社運人士特區護照 香港監察譴責當局以23條施行跨國鎮壓






香港監察共同創辦人兼行政總監羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)表示:



NewsMegan KhooUK, uk, Hong Kong